Christmas has always been my favorite season. I’ve always loved the lights, the music, the Christmas trees with their colorful decorations. Hot chocolate (particularly on nights when there was a hard frost) and lots of goodies. I’d lie on the sofa and stare at our little Christmas tree with its glowing lights, wondering what I would be when I grew up—if that ever happened. As a child, I felt like life would be so much more interesting when I became an adult. I practiced Christmas songs from a book my cousins sent me and couldn’t seem to get all the notes right in “O Little Town of Bethlehem”. On Christmas Eve, we dropped by friends’ houses, bringing them vases of pyracantha or toyon berries, and cookies my grandmother had baked. When we got home, the high point of the evening occurred—my brothers and I were each allowed to choose and open one present. Christmas was really here at last!