Here’s the link: Cover Poll: Sita and the Prince of Tigers.

Last week was both stressful and exciting. The stress came from working with an editor from Koehler Books, and the knowledge that the window was narrowing for any changes to be made. The excitement was related to the fact that publication is moving forward at a fast clip— October isn’t that far away! When all editing questions were answered and issues resolved, I took a deep breath. After all, we were on vacation. But decisions still had to be made.

The cover and design artist sent me five possible covers to review. Excitement again! How well had she been able to interpret the feel of the book and transmit that into art? The answer is very well indeed. I picked the two I liked best . . . and this is where you come in by selecting your favorite cover found on the above link. I should tell you that Koehler Books is not bound by the results of the poll or by my preferences—they will select the cover they believe is best. Still, the result informs them of what potential readers find attractive.

P.S. You might find the polls of other covers for upcoming Koehler titles interesting: Koehler Books – Cover Polls. Also, if you are curious about the other three proposed covers for Sita and the Prince of Tigers, please contact me.